Proof That Your Service is Valued In the Workforce

January 1, 2019

We spend a lot of time talking about connecting and explaining military  experience and credentials in ways the civilian world understands. It's  our passion and vision at Purepost.  It's who we are and what we do best. But, it's important not to miss  the amazing rise of veteran awareness, outreach, and connectivity outside of  the military community. People are listening. Companies  are creating initiatives to hire and place qualified veterans.  Communities are rallying together to support the veteran population across the board.

If you are uncertain as to where and how your service and skills are being  valued and doubt the workforce is aware of your transition as a veteran into  the civilian community, here are 3 ways we see it happening as we work with  corporate America in  placing veterans into civilian positions.

Veteran Focused Hiring Departments

Human resource and hiring departments throughout corporate America are  developing entire teams, programming, and funding focused on veteran hiring  initiatives. Company goals and missions are being devised daily with veterans  in mind as critical components for success. To see how some of the top  companies are doing it best check out the most influential companies hiring veterans.

Veteran Employment Tax Incentives

On December 18, 2015, President Obama signed into law the Protecting Americans  from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 (the PATH Act) that extended and modified the Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program and the Empowerment Zones. In summary, it  retroactively reauthorized the WOTC program target groups for a five-year  period, from December 31, 2014 to December 31, 2019. Unemployed veterans have  been identified as one of the target groups umbrellaed by this act. To read  more, check out the WOTC  here.

Veteran Culture Shifts

There have been incredible shifts in company cultures to embrace the veteran  community. This goes beyond simply filling positions but also encompasses a  duty to cultural competency from the core of the organization. They strive to  understanding who they are working with, how to speak with them, knowing their  language, what they accept and don't accept, and how they approach someone  that has a different set of experiences than maybe most of the company. As a  part of this movement, we can assist companies in better understanding the  culture of the veteran community and their place in the civilian workforce  through our translation services.

If you'd like to continue receiving valuable advice on how to utilize your  unique military skills in the civilian world, subscribe to our blog! We're  here to guide you.